Church image
Heber Street Spiritualist Society, Keighley

Image: SNU affillated Logo 2011

Affiliated to the
Spiritualists' National Union

Registered Charity No: 1160420

Copyright © 2002 - 2023 Heber Street Spiritualist Society

This website was launched on 6th November 2002.
Version 2.0
The site is best viewed using a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or better.

Website designed and maintained by Ken Latta


The mother church of British Spiritualism

Heber Street Church

Heber Street Spiritualist Church, Keighley

There is no death, what sems so is transition

Notice Board


As from 28 January 2023, Healing will now take place after the Devine Service every Saturday.
There will be no Healing Services on a Tuesday until further notice.


Open Circles

As from June 2022, Open Circles will now only be on the last Thursday of each month.





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