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Heber Street Spiritualist Society, Keighley

Image: SNU affillated Logo 2011

Affiliated to the
Spiritualists' National Union

Registered Charity No: 1160420

Copyright © 2002 - 2025 Heber Street Spiritualist Society

This website was launched on 6th November 2002.
Version 2.0
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Website designed and maintained by Ken Latta


Church History

David WeatherheadBEGINNINGS
The UK spiritualist movement started in Keighley in 1853. In that year Mr David Richmond of the Shakers Movement of America brought news of spiritual phenomena to Mr David Weatherhead (pictured right) of Keighley. In June of that year three lectures were held at the Working Men's Hall in Keighley. These were given by David Richmond assisted by David Weatherhead.

In 1857 Spiritualists meetings were held at Rushworth's School in Halifax Road, Keighley and more meetings were held at the Working Men's Hall by kind permission of David Weatherhead.
Around 1871 there were meetings at the Lyceum Buildings, East Parade, Keighley. These buildings were built by David Weatherhead entirely at his own expense. Whilst at the Lyceum Buildings, larger events used the Working Men's Hall.

Around 1884 a division of the membership took place. The original society continued at the Lyceum Buildings and were called "The Spiritual Brotherhood".
The breakaway movement began worship at the Albion Hall in Keighley. In November 1887 this breakaway group moved to the Co-Op Assembly Rooms, Keighley. The Red House in Keighley (site unknown) was used for committee meetings, then in 1892 this movement was established at Eastwood Chapel, Dalton Road, Keighley. These premises were owned by the Midland Rail Co. and they named the new church the Eastwood Spiritual Temple.

The old interior at Heber StreetUNIFICATION
The two societies were eventually reunited and as one body they purchased the Heber Street Wesleyan School, Heber Street, Keighley. Unification was in 1895 and records confirm they were together before 2nd Sept of that year.

In 1897 the society became affiliated to the National Federation that later became the S.N.U. (and eventually S.N.U. Ltd). The newly purchased Wesleyan School was renamed Heber Street Spiritual Temple. A stone inscription to this effect was erected on the facade and remains to this date. The united body was known as Heber Street Spiritual Temple until 1934 when it was renamed as The Heber Street Spiritualists' Society which remains the current title today.